Repository Policy

IBAS Journal Repository Policy

The Interdisciplinary British and American Studies Journal is committed to open access and the dissemination of research. To support these goals, all articles published in the IBAS Journal are deposited in Zenodo, a free and open-access repository hosted by CERN.

Additionally, IBAS Journal recognizes the importance of maximizing the visibility and accessibility of scholarly research by supporting the self-archiving of its publications. Here’s an outline of IBAS Journal’s repository policy:

Objective: To enhance the dissemination and impact of published research by allowing authors to archive versions of their work in institutional or subject-specific repositories.

Author Rights:

  • Pre-print Version: Authors are permitted to deposit pre-peer review versions of their work in any repository of their choice. This version is the author's manuscript before formal peer review and without any editorial or peer review amendments.
  • Post-print Version: After peer review, authors can deposit their accepted manuscripts (post-print) in institutional repositories. The post-print includes revisions made during the peer review process but does not include the journal's formatting or final PDF version provided by IBAS Journal.
  • Publisher's Version/PDF: Authors may be allowed to deposit the final published version (publisher’s PDF) depending on the specific terms of the licensing agreement with IBAS Journal. Typically, this is subject to an embargo period or may require a direct link to the journal’s website for access to the final version.

Repository Locations:

  • Institutional Repositories: Authors are encouraged to use their institutional repositories to ensure that their research is accessible within their academic community.
  • Subject Repositories: Depending on the field of study, authors may also deposit in subject-specific repositories (e.g., PubMed Central, arXiv, SSRN) that correspond to their research area.


  • Acknowledgment of Publication: All repository versions must include proper citation of the published work with a link to the journal’s homepage or the direct URL of the published article on IBAS Journal’s website.
  • Embargo Periods: Depending on the licensing terms, there may be an embargo period before which the post-print or publisher’s version can be made publicly available.

Visibility and Compliance:

  • Accessibility: IBAS Journal aims to promote accessibility and long-term archiving of scholarly articles, enhancing their visibility and impact.
  • Compliance with Funder Mandates: This policy assists authors in complying with the open access mandates of their funding bodies or institutions.

IBAS Journal’s repository policy is designed to support the broad dissemination of research while respecting the rights of authors and the interests of the journal. By allowing the archiving of different versions of scholarly articles, IBAS Journal ensures that the research is accessible to a wider audience, thus increasing citation and impact.